To Speak of Kashmir

Of Gardens and Graves

“In our world, official stories are repeated ad nauseam by every form of government or corporate media, and most often these stories have more to do with administrative convenience than with people’s lives. One of the most important tasks of writers is to produce accounts of experiences and events that contest official myopia and lies. Now, as you say, there are a number of writers who are doing just that, and doing so convincingly. I also believe that academics have a special responsibility to pay critical attention to such cultural productivity, and thus to make it part of larger conversations across the globe.”

Suvir Kaul in conversation with Majid Maqbool

Full text:–18.asp

Keeper of Memory

On Eduardo Galeano

… Galeano’s death on April 13 is like the death of Gabriel García Márquez last year. The departure of both is a huge loss for the continent. Both knew how to tell a tale: one could bring his literary talent into play in histories of imperialism, of everyday life, of football; the other his historical sense and chronicler’s skill into fiction. Both started as journalists and remained rooted in the tradition of radical reporting. Their approach to writing has sometimes been described, quite carelessly, as “idiosyncratic” and “magical”; something to be clubbed with gonzo journalism. That is nowhere near a fair description of the style, let alone the substance, of their work and lives….

For the full story go to:

Sharing Galeano

In honour of Eduardo Galeano who passed away on April 13, we at Three Essays Collective are offering Open Veins of Latin America at a special price of Rs250 for next two weeks, starting April 16. For a book priced at Rs450, this amounts to a discount of nearly 45 percent, and with free postage to a 50% discount. This is not sales promotion. The book is a perennial seller at the original price. On our part it’s an act of remembrance and love.

For all those who love Galeano, this is an opportunity to gift a copy to their friends, colleagues, partners. The special offer will end on April 30, 2015.One writes out of a need to communicate and to commune with others, to denounce that which gives pain and to share that which gives happiness. (Eduardo Galeano, 1940-2015)